新款 9 英寸 Carplay 前置攝像頭智慧 LCD 儀錶板抬頭顯示器特斯拉 Model 3 和 Y
新款 9 英寸 Carplay 前置攝像頭智慧 LCD 儀錶板抬頭顯示器特斯拉 Model 3 和 Y
Discount Code
Discount Code
Spring Sale 20% Off Code: SPRING20
Tlyard Installation Services
Tlyard Installation Services
- 羅伯特·阮
- 郵箱:Rnguyen213@gmail.com
- 電話:469 634-0925
- 地址:4621 Stone Oak Dr. Carrollton TX, 75010 USA ( →點擊這裡)
- 卡梅倫審判
- 電子郵件:cameron@cprteslarepair.com
- 電話:+1 7133064834
- 地址: 19430 Gladewater Drive,Tomball,Texas 77375 USA( )
- 德里克
- 郵箱:steadfastdetail@gmail.com
- 電話:0435 531 677
- 地址:Georges Hall, NSW 2198, Australia(→點擊這裡)
- 網址:https://steadfastdetailingsydney.com.au/
如果您需要安裝幫助,請聯繫安裝車間了解詳細的安裝費用。 請注意,這些車間僅提供安裝服務,不對產品的售後問題負責。 如果產品有任何問題,請聯繫我們的支持服務:service@tlyard.com 或我們的在線聊天。
Product Warranty
Product Warranty
For all products purchased on the Tlyard official website, Tlyard offers a risk-free, 1-year quality guarantee.
Product Information
Product Description
Product Description
- 注意: 下單時請確認您汽車的CPU版本並選擇正確的版本。
- 如何確認自己愛車的CPU版本?
軟件>額外信息 >中央處理器
- 相容型號: 適用於型號 3 2017-2023、型號 Y 2020-2023
- 遠端OTA升級:使用無線遠端OTA在幾秒鐘內升級顯示器。 快速解決原車OTA升級後不兼容問題。
- Carplay:支援iPhone Carplay功能,讓您的儀錶盤更加智慧便捷。
- 操作說明和安裝手冊: 點擊這裡
- 人性化設計:【012751】這款Tlyard智慧液晶儀錶盤專為特斯拉Model 3和Model Y定製,屏佔比高,窄邊,原車風格設計,超薄9英寸IPS觸摸高清1920*720螢幕,不破壞原車。 全貼合工藝的觸摸屏,低反射率2.5D曲面玻璃更美觀更有科技感,600尼特的亮度在陽光下清晰可見。 幫您解決看不到車輛信息和檔位狀態的煩惱,帶給您更安全、更舒適的駕乘體驗。
多功能: HUD支持蘋果無線CarPlay和有線/無線Android Auto。 共有觸摸屏、手機、方向盤三種控制方式。 您可以在 Siri 或 Google Assistant 的幫助下通過語音命令控制功能,例如接聽電話、查看語音郵件和短信、調用地圖等,使用 Tlyard 智能液晶儀表板屏幕讓您的旅程更輕鬆、更安全。

- 系統穩定性: 本設備採用Linux極簡操作系統,極簡UI設計,極簡操作,秒級啟動,系統運行流暢,長期運行無延遲。 讀取原始車輛數據,同步多種原始車輛信息,毫秒級同步,低延遲。 HUD本身沒有網絡連接,可以保護您的隱私。
支援原車多種內容: 自動同步原車中控屏資訊,如動力、檔位、車速、安全帶提醒、限速警告、胎壓異常警告等。 支持5種車身顏色切換顯示,支持原車音響或HUD音響,支持白天模式和夜間模式顯示。 注意:產品界面可能因版本而異。
- 無損安裝:安裝方法不損壞原車結構,不破壞原車電源線。
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Shipping Time
Normally we ship in 24-48 hours on the business day, and 48-72 hours on holiday, the customized products like steering wheels will take 7-10 days to produce before delivery.
Orders cannot be returned after 30 nature days. Please contact us within 30 nature days from the date you receive the item. (Note: Steering wheels are custom products and will not be accepted for any return reason other than quality issues)
Product Warranty
We provide a 1-year quality guarantee risk-free for all products in our store after you place an order.
Return Shipping Fee
We do not charge a return handling fee.
Here are three return situations regarding the shipping fee:
1. If the product has a quality problem within 30 nature days after you receive the item, we will cover the freight you ship to us and refund your full order amount.
2. If the product doesn't have a quality problem, and you would like to return the order for personal reasons, please note that you will be responsible for paying the freight of the returned goods, and the original shipping fee we shipped to you will be reduced in your refund.
3. Any additional charges arising from “reject” or “return to sender” shipments will be deducted from the total refund amount.
More Shipping & Returns Policy details are in: