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🌼 Spring Sale: Enjoy 20% OFF sitewide 🌟 with Code: SPRING20!

Product Information

Product Description

Kompatibel modell: 
Dashboard Hidden HUD passer 2017-2023 Model 3 & 2020-2023 Model Y.
-Den nye versjonen oppgraderer miles-skjermen, med en mindre størrelse og enklere brukergrensesnitt.
-Den vanntette utformingen av stikkontakten kan forhindre vannkondensering ved luftuttaket.
-Den integrerte designen passer perfekt til luftuttaket som ikke blokkerer vinden, veldig i tråd med Teslas minimalistiske tonalitet.
-Å holde øynene i midten og ikke snu hodet ofte for å se hovedskjermen er mer gunstig for kjøresikkerheten.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Daniel Bykowski
Fantastic Small Dashboard

Fantastic Small Dashboard that is very discreet at the same time with bright and clear text visible in full sun and not dazzling at night. Dashboard shows essential information just what you are missing right in front of you ie speed, temp, battery status. Warmly recommend.

Daniel Bykowski
Fantastic Small Dashboard

Fantastic Small Dashboard that is very discreet at the same time with bright and clear text visible in full sun and not dazzling at night. Dashboard shows essential information just what you are missing right in front of you ie speed, temp, battery status. Warmly recommend.