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Retururi de 30 de zile
Dimensiunea compatibilă a roatei: Modelul Y 19 inch
Culoare logo: Alb & negru
Experiența armonie între forma și funcție. Tesla Hubcaps se integrează fără probleme cu roțile, asigurarea unei potriviri fără greşeală şi îmbunătăţirea aerodinamicii călătoriei dumneavoastră. Asigurați sinergia designului și ingineriei în echilibru perfect. Capsulele noastre sunt proiectate pentru a optimiza fluxul de aer, sporind eficiența și performanța.
Notã: Marea Britanie / Elveţia / Islanda / Norvegia / Australia Ţările Noua Zeelandă / Asia vor fi expediate pe mare şi vor dura aproximativ 25-30 de zile. s.
Shipping Time
Normally we ship in 24-48 hours on the business day, and 48-72 hours on holiday, the customized products like steering wheels will take 7-10 days to produce before delivery.
Orders cannot be returned after 30 nature days. Please contact us within 30 nature days from the date you receive the item. (Note: Steering wheels are custom products and will not be accepted for any return reason other than quality issues)
Product Warranty
We provide a 1-year quality guarantee risk-free for all products in our store after you place an order.
Return Shipping Fee
We do not charge a return handling fee.
Here are three return situations regarding the shipping fee:
1. If the product has a quality problem within 30 nature days after you receive the item, we will cover the freight you ship to us and refund your full order amount.
2. If the product doesn't have a quality problem, and you would like to return the order for personal reasons, please note that you will be responsible for paying the freight of the returned goods, and the original shipping fee we shipped to you will be reduced in your refund.
3. Any additional charges arising from “reject” or “return to sender” shipments will be deducted from the total refund amount.
More Shipping & Returns Policy details are in: