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🌼 Spring Sale: Enjoy 20% OFF sitewide 🌟 with Code: SPRING20!

Product Information

Product Description

Dimensiunea compatibilă a roatei: Modelul Y 19 inch

Culoare logo: Alb & negru

Proiectat pentru a se potrivi fără sudură pe roțile Tesla, capacele noastre de hub asigură o potrivire confortabilă și sigură. Ingineria de precizie garantează că capacele de hub-uri rămân la locul lor, chiar şi în timpul unităţilor de mare viteză, menținerea integrității performanței vehiculului dumneavoastră. Proiectat cu simplitate în minte, capacele noastre de hub sunt o briza de instalat. Nu sunt necesare unelte complicate sau ajutor profesionist - transformă aspectul Tesla fără efort.

Notã: Marea Britanie / Elveţia / Islanda / Norvegia / Australia Ţările Noua Zeelandă / Asia vor fi expediate pe mare şi vor dura aproximativ 25-30 de zile. s.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Good and bad...

Good thing is they fit very nice and tight. They don't pop off easily like other brands I've tried.
The bad thing is all 4 clovers have the same direction in blades which is incorrect. There are suppose to have left and right so they can be aerodynamic and work with the wind not against. Technically this set is 4 right hand covers. I'll attach photos.

Other than the direction of the blades being incorrect on the Driverside this set fits very good and looks very nice. Only reason I'm Leaving a 4 star and not 5 is the directions of blades is incorrect on Driverside.

Good and bad...

Good thing is they fit very nice and tight. They don't pop off easily like other brands I've tried.
The bad thing is all 4 clovers have the same direction in blades which is incorrect. There are suppose to have left and right so they can be aerodynamic and work with the wind not against. Technically this set is 4 right hand covers. I'll attach photos.

Other than the direction of the blades being incorrect on the Driverside this set fits very good and looks very nice. Only reason I'm Leaving a 4 star and not 5 is the directions of blades is incorrect on Driverside.

Looks stunning on my Model Y

I have to say these hubcaps are so stunning on my Model Y 2022 standard range! They are really cool with the red Tesla logo on them. Love them and sorry for my bad picture.

Looks stunning on my Model Y

I have to say these hubcaps are so stunning on my Model Y 2022 standard range! They are really cool with the red Tesla logo on them. Love them and sorry for my bad picture.