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🌼 Spring Sale: Enjoy 20% OFF sitewide 🌟 with Code: SPRING20!

Product Information

Product Description

Dimensiunea compatibilă a roatei: Modelul Y 19 inch

Culoare logo: Alb & negru

Notã: Marea Britanie / Elveţia / Islanda / Norvegia / Australia Ţările Noua Zeelandă / Asia vor fi expediate pe mare şi vor dura aproximativ 25-30 de zile. s.

La Tlyard, înţelegem că performanţa lui Tesla contează. Hubcap-urile noastre sunt proiectate pentru a optimiza eficiența aerodinamică, reducând tragerea și îmbunătățirea performanței generale a Tesla. Bucurați-vă de o plimbare mai netedă, mai eficientă în timp ce maximizează gama electrică. Dezlănţuie adevăratul potenţial al Tesla-ului cu Hubcap-urile noastre de ultimă oră, special conceput pentru a ridica experiența de conducere la un nivel cu totul nou.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
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The hub cap is very cost-effective, less worrying than painting, and it is also very convenient to install and remove. It is very tightly fitted with the original tires, and there is no noise when driving.

The quality is good

Very stunning wheel covers! It matches my car paint color very well, it looks cooler and the quality is also very good.

Barbara Hales
Awesome Hub Caps, Awesome Customer Service

We love these hub caps. They fit perfectly and look awesome with my white car with red accents. Good quality too. I especially like their customer service. One hub cap was broken and I sent a picture of it. They replaced it with no problem. I highly recommend this company and their products

Barbara Hales
Awesome Hub Caps, Awesome Customer Service

We love these hub caps. They fit perfectly and look awesome with my white car with red accents. Good quality too. I especially like their customer service. One hub cap was broken and I sent a picture of it. They replaced it with no problem. I highly recommend this company and their products

Like it

The hub cap is very cost-effective, less worrying than painting, and it is also very convenient to install and remove. It is very tightly fitted with the original tires, and there is no noise when driving.