Tesla FSD Autopilot Assist Auxiliary Chip AP Nag Elimination Model 3/Y/S/X Module Steering Wheel

New Year Discount 25% Off Code: NY25

Car Model: Model 3 2017-2023

Model 3 2017-2023
Model 3 Highland
Model Y 2020-2023
Model S & X 2016-2021
Model S & X 2021+



Schëffer bannent

24 Stonnen


30-Deeg zréck


Note: Before purchasing, please confirm that after turning on assisted driving, manually turning the left or right wheel scroll can eliminate the prompt or not. If it can, this module can work for your vehicle. If not, it can not work for your car.

  • Compatible Model:  For Tesla Model 3, Y, S, and X were produced after 2016, left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive.
  • Working Theory: When you turn on the autonomous driving mode, the module will scroll the volume control button on the steering wheel from time to time within 3-5 seconds to eliminate the autonomous driving warning reminder.
  • Non-destructive Installation: Easy plug-and-play installation, no need to remove any screws, and does not affect the warranty. It can be restored to the original factory condition at any time without damage.
  • Can be deactivated at any time: Double-click the wheel to start or stop the module working status. One beep indicates that the module has entered the working state, and two beeps indicate that the module has stopped working.

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