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🌼 Spring Sale: Enjoy 20% OFF sitewide 🌟 with Code: SPRING20!

Product Information

Product Description

Äer Tesla äus aktualiséiert mat de neigst ze vergewielen an ugegt installéiert Disney+ & Netflix.

  • D'Installéier vun Model Y (2023.02 Standard Range + in USA) sinn e kint mei komplikacht ass aner Automodeller.
  • Nord- Amerika 4G Versioung
  • Europa & Asies & Afrika Versioung Applicabe Landen: Europa, Australien, New Zelandan, Asies, Latën- Amerika, Söök- AfrikaName
  • Kompatibles Model: Bei der Model 3 2017-2023, an Model Y 2020-2023.
  • Sprooch: 20+ Sproochen Unnen Inglesch, Fransch, Schrësch, Spaansch, Portugueses
  • Aktualiséierungen System: E Schlëssel Qualcomm 6125 Processor System stellt Benotzer mat ee genemer Erwazen.
  • Fongschtfäng Funksionen: Installéiert Disney+ & Netflix, déi net méi fireer eroflueden.
  • Gebuilt- Geaker: D' Wäifngarm ass eng engen Speaker.
  • Bluetooth- Weiergetreden konnen: Kann genaachen an' Wirelzesch Headphoneen
  • Android System: Android 13.0 System, 4+32 GB Späicheren Systeem fir d'Erofgelueden an deer fachter APP ze eroflueden
  • Apple-Afspill & Android- Automatesch & Mirrorschierm: Wirreles Apple-Afspeel & Android Auto. D'Fync vum Mobile Phone-Sperror-Funcm
  • Funksion: SS Plétt Online Videoen, Sppillen an Musiek. , 'Ah-Sotzers' eeuen 'Bazeachen' s 'n äusgen
  • Ko-Pilot-Austrétting: D' Passer- Sett oen/ uen/ un
  • Set- Sett: Ënnerststéit an äusst d' eeipt fir elken
  • Funkschoon OTA- Aktualiséierung: SS OTA online Upgrade an der System Pägt net më eroflueden
  • Sound- Kontroll: Träi d'obegt-Spotzer, d'drett-Bluetooth-Apparat oder d'Original Auto-Spoaker.
  • Smart Design: Einséck vum Bildschiermschéitësëserzt an deepsaflétz, d' Opmaachen vun der Armrest zentrulkonsole
  • HD- Bildschierm: 1280 x 800 Pixeln- LCD mat 7 Inch-Wisen
  • Disney APP Installation-Pakket: Eges klickt
  • Operatioun- Hand: Eges klickt

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Marco Soriano

Grazie lo schermo è perfetto funziona magnificamente

Seamless Integration of Technology

This rear display integrates multiple technologies. I like its versatility, convenience, and ability to cater to diverse entertainment needs while on the road. The use process is also very smooth, and the dark mode is suitable for night use.

Seamless Integration of Technology

This rear display integrates multiple technologies. I like its versatility, convenience, and ability to cater to diverse entertainment needs while on the road. The use process is also very smooth, and the dark mode is suitable for night use.

Incredible Versatility

This rear display by Tlyard is nothing short of phenomenal. Not only does it offer a diverse array of entertainment options, from online videos to engaging games and music, but its integration with seat adjustment controls is a stroke of genius. The ability to seamlessly tweak seat heating and adjust passenger seat positioning.

Incredible Versatility

This rear display by Tlyard is nothing short of phenomenal. Not only does it offer a diverse array of entertainment options, from online videos to engaging games and music, but its integration with seat adjustment controls is a stroke of genius. The ability to seamlessly tweak seat heating and adjust passenger seat positioning.