Alcantara Steering Wheel Cover Overlay For Tesla Model 3 & Y

Spring Deals 20% Off Code: TLSP

Car Model: 2017-2023 Model 3

2017-2023 Model 3
2019-2024 Model Y



선박 내

24 시간


30일 반품

Alcantara is a versatile and stylish material that can add a touch of luxury to any car interior. With its combination of durability, comfort, and style, it is a popular choice among car owners who want to elevate their driving experience. Whether you are looking to upgrade your car's interior or simply want to add a touch of sophistication, Alcantara is a material that is worth considering.
  • Compatible Model: Suitable for Model 3 2017-2023, and Model Y 2019-2024.
  • Material: Alcantara 

배송 및 반품


일반적으로 영업일 기준 24~48시간, 공휴일 48~72시간 내에 배송합니다. 스티어링 휠과 같은 맞춤형 제품은 배송까지 7~10일이 소요됩니다.

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