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🌼 Spring Sale: Enjoy 20% OFF sitewide 🌟 with Code: SPRING20!

Product Information

Product Description

호환 모델: 모델 Y 2019-2023 에 적합, 적합하지 않음 7 좌석 모델 Y

참고: 영국/스위스/아이슬란드/노르웨이/호주/뉴질랜드/아시아 국가는 바다로 배송되며 약 25-30 일이 소요됩니다.

온도 표시: 섭씨 및 화씨

따뜻한 알림:

  • 차량이 꺼진 후 냉장고의 전원을 켜려면 "센트리 모드" 또는 "캠프 모드" 를 엽니 다.
센트리 모드: 공원에서 당신의 차량으로, 제어> 안전> Dashcam으로 이동하여 Dashcam을 활성화하십시오. 터치 컨트롤> 안전> 센트리 모드> 켜기. 활성화되면 컨트롤 탭의 센트리 모드 아이콘이 빨간색으로 바뀝니다.
캠프 모드: 캠프 모드 활성화 온도계를 터치 제어 화면 하단에 기후 제어 장치에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 터치 기후 유지 다음 터치 캠프 .

아웃도어 매니아의 필수 파트너! 이 자동차 냉장고는 테슬라 모델 Y를 위해 설계되었으며 여행이나 캠핑에 적합합니다. 트렁크의 저장 슬롯의 숨겨진 공간을 최대한 활용하고 원래 자동차에 완벽하게 맞으며 비파괴적이고 설치가 쉽고 담배 라이터 포트에 직접 연결합니다.

실제 설치 효과:

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Love this fridge!

Very clever design that enables you to have a fridge for road trips that takes up zero space. Easy installation and easy to use. It works perfect and with a little planning, it holds everything we need. When not in use I just set it to max temp of 68 degrees. Well worth it's weight in gold not to carry a large cooler. Love this product!

Excellent product

The refrigerator's cooling effect is very good, it doesn't consume much power consumption. The interior space of the refrigerator is great. It is equipped with a compartment, which is divided into upper and lower layers. It can hold about four or five cans of Coke on the top, the space below is very deep, and there is nothing wrong with placing four bottles of beer vertically. Overall, the product is good and worth buying.

Great product!

The installation is easy it took about 15 mins and the space is fully utilized. The workmanship of the refrigerator is also very meticulous, and the cooling effect is also good. My son is an athlete and often needs to use ice cubes. It is very convenient to have a car refrigerator, a good product!

Really love this tail light!

Ship from the US the delivery time is fast. I used it for a while, and it is really good. When I first got in the car, there was a little fan sound, and the fan would stop after the temperature of the refrigerator dropped. The weather has started to get hot these days, so it is very convenient to keep a few cans of drinks and fruits in the refrigerator at any time.

Frank Meier
Tip Top

Der Einbau ist einfach und oben im Karton liegt eine DinA 2 Beschreibung für ältere Menschen 😊. Bei 5 Grad Einstellung schwankte der Kühlschrank bei 49 Grad Innentemperatur zwischen 4 und 8 Grad. Alles gut