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Product Information

Product Description

Realizzato con precisione e innovazione, questo pulsante di controllo intuitivo offre una comodità senza pari all'interno della tua Tesla. Non è necessario essere distratti dai controlli sullo schermo durante la guida, basta toccare i pulsanti fisici e le funzioni sono chiare a colpo d'occhio.
  • Modello compatibile: Adatto per il modello 3 2017-2023 e modello Y 2020-2023
  • Funzione di aggiornamento: Il prodotto integra 14 funzioni comunemente utilizzate in pulsanti fisici per ottenere una semplice operazione con un solo pulsante.
  • Dimensioni: 10,8x1,1x1,6 pollici, di piccole dimensioni, è installato sotto lo schermo e non occupa spazio nell'auto.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Works, with only a few excpetions..

1. I belive on of the options should have been hazad lights/flashers. of the selected operations should have include hazad lights.
2. Oversite- When selecting to open the glove box. But it does not prompt for a password, causing an open security issue. With this device, my glovebox can't be locked and there is now way do disable this option.
Overall, I would recommend this product, only if you have a center console safe. I have this so it's not that big of an issue.
Hopefully, they will provide a software update to address this issue.

Works, with only a few excpetions..

1. I belive on of the options should have been hazad lights/flashers. of the selected operations should have include hazad lights.
2. Oversite- When selecting to open the glove box. But it does not prompt for a password, causing an open security issue. With this device, my glovebox can't be locked and there is now way do disable this option.
Overall, I would recommend this product, only if you have a center console safe. I have this so it's not that big of an issue.
Hopefully, they will provide a software update to address this issue.