If you have any questions about products or orders, you can always Email us at service@tlyard.com, we will reply to you as soon as possible.
If you have something urgent, you can contact our customer service through LIVE-Chat on our website between 9 am-6 pm PST Monday to Friday.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, although the delivery time of express delivery has been affected, we still strive to process orders as soon as possible and hope that the goods can be delivered to consumers as soon as possible. If the order is still “unprocessed” after 5 days of payment, please let us know in time and we will give priority to your order.

Thank You For Choosing Tlyard!

  • Phone: +44 07435195957
  • WhatsApp US Business Number: +1 (337)784-6920
  • UK Office Address: 291 Brighton Rd, South Croydon CR2 6EQ, UK (Not for return address)
  • Customer Service: service@tlyard.com
  • KOL Cooperation/ B2B Cooperation: partnership@tlyard.com/ contact@tlyard.com/ ellialei@tlyard.com